Robert Lee
Community Consultant
Robert Lee graduated from the OU School of Social Work in 1977, imbued with the social work knowledge, mind set, values and ethics espoused by the likes of professors Chess, Norlin, Richek, Bender, Ho, Lindemen and Kirkland. After graduation he took these skills to the ODH Child Guidance Center/Family Planning services in Lawton where he served as social worker, and then to Youth and Family Services in Canadian County where he served as social worker and youth shelter director. In 1980 Robert accepted a position at Central OK Community Mental Health Center (COCMHC) and held several positions within that agency including social worker, therapist, Admissions Coordinator, Out-patient Coordinator, Chief of Social Work, Director of Special Projects and Executive Director. During that time the Social Work Licensure statute was passed and Robert became a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in 1986. Subsequent to licensure Robert became an active participant in student training, serving as Practicum Instructor to dozens of social work students as well as Adjunct Faculty teaching Social Work Supervision and Psychopathology, has served as Practicum Field Liaison and was a Board Approved Supervisor.
While at COCMHC on April 19, 1995, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was bombed with tragic loss of life. Robert led a team of mental health professionals to assist as first responders and quickly recognized the lack of knowledge regarding trauma and its effects. As a result Robert participated in multiple training opportunities that resulted in his gaining knowledge and skill and working with a statewide team to respond to critical events using the Critical Incident Stress Debriefing model. Robert served on this team until 2009, going to multiple sites around the State of Oklahoma in response to tragic events.
In 2001 Robert, along with other mental health professionals, was called to Tulsa to respond to the failure of a CMHC that served that community. This was a challenge that required 24/7 coverage, operating out of the Tulsa homeless shelter with very limited resources and a truly social work approach to helping those people in that community who were dealing with the loss of the agency while struggling with mental illness. Robert, along with another social work colleague, Don Bowen, MSW, were charged with developing and operationalizing a crisis response facility in less than 60 days, resulting in the establishment of the Tulsa Center for Behavioral Health which is still in operation.
In 2003 Robert was detailed to serve as interim ED at the OK Youth Center. Seeing the need for change, he decided to stay there, leaving COCMHC to serve as ED. While there Robert collaborated with Gail Lapidus, LCSW at F&CS in Tulsa to create a trauma informed continuum of care resulting in a SAMHSA grant and the implementation of the “Sanctuary Model ®” of trauma informed care which resulted in a top to bottom redefinition of the approach to care.
After retiring from ODMHSAS Robert returned to mental health services and worked for 7 years as Executive Director of Mental Health Services of Southern Ok, covering 9 counties in south central and southern OK.
After leaving MHSSO Robert went to work with the Evolution Foundation and has carried on that work of community engagement and relationship building over much of the state, first working in the SW and central regions and currently serving the “Green Country” NE. quadrant of the state.

Contact Info
- Phone: (405) 437-6292
- Email:
Robert in Action
Article July 16, 2024
Tough As A Mother
Oklahoma, along with every other state, has a problem. Every state in the union has, since 1995 with the introduction of OxyContin, seen an increase in drug addiction. The addition of fentanyl and the legalization of marijuana in many states has…
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