The Evolution Foundation is committed to providing you easy-to-follow manuals and training tools to use with your coalitions, clients, and staff. Click on the resource to download and share with others.
Evolution Foundation Brochure and Rack Cards
Rack Card (version 1)
Rack Card (version 2)
Rack Card (version 3)
Evolution Foundation Videos
Evolution Foundation Website Launch Event 2024
This video is an overview of the Evolution Foundation and its newly rebranded website. This video gives an overview of our history, initiatives, resources, and events. Please watch to learn how to partner with us to provide help and hope to Oklahoma children, youth, and families, one community at a time.
Manuals & Training Tools
Child Welfare at a Glance
Oklahoma's Child Welfare system can be overwhelming for involved families, for other service providers who are trying to help families, and for community members who want to help but don't know how. This manual pulls together key resources provided by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services to help make sense of the Child Welfare system.
The child welfare journey in Oklahoma has many steps. To learn about the steps for parents and children throughout the journey, we recommend this document, The Oklahoma Child Welfare Journey.
How to be an Effective Coalition Leader
Sometimes coalition members hesitate to take on leadership positions because they don't know how. This manual will tell you everything you need to know to be an effective leader.
How to Grow Your Coalition
We get asked often, “How do we get more people to our coalition meetings?” Well, here is your answer. This guide describes the pros and cons of growing, the reasons people choose not to come to your meetings, and five specific things you can do to grow your coalition. We don't guarantee immediate success because growing your coalition takes work, but this guide will certainly set you on the right track.
How to Make a Difference by Telling Your Story
Family members have a great deal of wisdom to share with service providers, coalitions, and policy makers. They can have tremendous impact by simply telling their story. Although telling one's story can be intimidating, this manual breaks it down into easy to follow steps.
How to Start and Run a Peer Support Group
Not only does this manual walk you through the steps to start a support group, it also offers tips to keep it going, insights into how to manage it month to month, and even specific ideas for meeting agendas.
How to use Robert's Rules of Order for Your Coalition
If you've ever tried to lead a meeting without some knowledge of Robert's Rules of Order, you may have found it frustrating and chaotic. This manual helps you understand the basic rules of running meetings to make them go smoothly every time.
How to Write a Good Mission Statement
If coalitions, committees, or service organizations don't know why they exist or what they are trying to accomplish, they will find it difficult to keep members working in the same direction. This manual will help you create your fundamentally important mission statement and keep everyone on track.