Our Initiatives

For the last 20 years, Evolution Foundation has worked to help improve the lives of children and families, and improve mental health throughout the state of Oklahoma. Moving forward, we are planning on expanding our efforts to help children, families, and communities across the country.

Evolution Foundation has been working closely with The Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) for years on a number of initiatives. Any initiatives that ODMHSAS and Evolution Foundation have worked on together will feature the ODMHSAS logo within the description.

The following initiatives are projects that Evolution Foundation has played an active part in.

  • Tough as a Mother logo featuring the text Tough as a mother, stronger than addiction.

    Tough as a Mother

    Tough as a Mother is a public awareness campaign launched in May 2023 and created in partnership with the Colorado Office of Behavioral Health. The goal of TAAM is to decrease stigma around maternal substance use disorder, educate providers and connect pregnant and parenting mothers to treatment and recovery supports in their communities.

    Learn more about Tough as a Mother.

    Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services logo

    ODMHSAS Initiative

  • Tough as a Mother Outreach Navigators map

    Tough as a Mother Outreach Navigators

    Navigators help people to connect to supporting resources and services, providing community outreach to engage individual into the types of resources and supports they need and desire.

    If you need help or know anyone that might need help from our TAAM Navigators, call (405) 820-1199.

    Learn more about the TAAM navigators.

  • Oklahoma Systems of Care logo

    Oklahoma Systems of Care

    Oklahoma Systems of Care is a state-wide collaborative network involving members of local communities, organizations, agencies, facilities, centers and groups that serve the needs of children, youth, and young adults.

    Learn more about Oklahoma Systems of Care.

    Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services logo

    ODMHSAS Initiative

  • 988 Mental Health Crisis Lifeline logo

    988 Mental Health Crisis Lifeline

    988 is a direct, three-digit lifeline that connects you with trained behavioral health professionals that can get all Oklahomans the help they need.

    Learn more about 988 Mental Health Lifeline and crisis care service in Oklahoma

  • Oklahoma Office of Juvenile Affairs logo

    Juvenile Justice Family Advisory Committee

    The Juvenile Justice Family Advisory Committee is composed of family members with children who are currently or have been in the past involved with the Office of Juvenile Affairs. They meet monthly with OJA senior staff to review policies and procedures that affect family members and youth; discuss opportunities for family members to become more engaged in their children's treatment; provide input to OJA's State Advisory Group; etc.

    New family members are invited to explore the benefits of joining the JJFAC.

  • Oklahoma Bio Family Alliance

    The Oklahoma Bio-Family Alliance (OBFA) is a state-wide organization that connects biological families to services and supports that help reunite them with their child or children who have been taken into custody by Oklahoma child welfare and/or the juvenile justice system.

    We aid in family preservation for families at risk of child separation and the reunification of families with their children to their homes or the home of a loved one identified by the biological family. The goal of family preservation is to instill positive parenting and family relational skills, while reinforcing behaviors that increase/improve parent-child attachment, love, and effective parenting support.

    The Oklahoma Bio-Family Alliance is connected to/with behavioral health organizations, community family organizations, child serving agencies, bio-family peers, social workers, and community volunteers partnering to support family preservation and to help reunite biological families with their child or children who have been taken into custody by Oklahoma child welfare and/or the juvenile justice system.

    The OBFA includes a steering committee of diverse family members with previous/lived experience with mental health and/or substance use disorders or life challenges that have led to instability in their family or who have experience raising a child with a behavioral health disorder or developmental disability and may have been involved in the child welfare and/or juvenile justice system.

    OBFA Services include:

    • Support Groups (virtual or in person)
    • Peer to Peer Consultation
    • Court Support
    • Parenting Classes and Trainings
    • Child Welfare Support Liaisons
    • Monetary Assistance for Household Items and Resources needed for Re-unification
    • Strength-Based Therapeutic Counseling /Wraparound Services for Bio Families
    • Care Coordination Services and Supports
    • 24/7 Telephone Support Line
    • Outreach and Engagement